Today, a lot of schools and institutions prefer buying used vans and buses instead of purchasing a new heavy-duty bus. Whatever your reason may be, buying a used bus is […]
Tips for Maintaining a Bus Fleet
Owning a fleet of buses is a big responsibility no matter what business you are in. Whether you manage a fleet of school buses or work with multiple charter buses, […]
The Eight Types of School Buses
The one thing school buses have in common is their yellow paint job, but they don’t always look alike. You will find some that are short, some with flat fronts, […]
Transporting Seniors? 2 Key Factors To Consider Before Expanding Your Fleet
Per the United States Census Bureau, the year 2030 will mark a critical demographic turning point in United States history. Based on its population projections, in 2030 all Baby Boomers […]
What to consider before buying a bus
So you want to buy a bus With the rise of the millennial trend to minimize and downsize . . . what’s the word? Ah yes. Minimalism. Converting sprinter vans […]